Reports & Insights
Indonesian Palm Oil Industry in Climate Transition
Sustainable business transformation in the palm oil industry is the solution to climate transition...
3 Climate Transition Scenarios for the Indonesian Palm Oil Industry
Orbitas has modeled 3 climate transition scenarios based on the magnitude of increase in...
Climate Transition Risks Encourage Palm Oil Industry to Take Action
The climate transition risks outlined by Orbitas for the Indonesian palm oil industry are already...
Climate Transition Risks for the Indonesian Palm Oil Industry
Climate transition risks include the increase in concession fees, the emergence of stranded...
Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry Could Increase Profits by Embracing Climate Transitions
Palm oil is Indonesia's main commodity and dynamic climate transitions will have a major impact on...
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Investors Concerned That Brazil is Missing the Forests for the Trees
International investors are starting to see Brazil in a new light. The Bolsonaro government’s...
Tropical Commodity Risks Concern Latin American Banks. They Need Tools to Navigate Climate Transitions.
Tropical commodity value chains are threatened by climate change and our response to it and this matters for financial institutions.